To a very courageous and very strong birth mother and/or father,
You would think that our number one hope would be for you to pick us to be the adoptive parents of your child. However, it is not. When we think of you reading this, our very first hope is that you know just how brave that you are, how much strength you have within you, and how very much we hope that you are able to get through this most difficult process with nothing but love for yourself and your child, and faith that you know how VERY loved your child will be as a part of our family.
We are hardworking, loving, kind, funny, and most of all, ready and waiting for you to choose our family to provide your child with ALL of the amazing things that this crazy and wonderful world has to offer.

As crazy and unbelievable as it is, it was love at first sight for us! We met, and instantly fell in love, (at least one of us did!), and have been very happily together now for over 20 years. We have two beautiful, kind, funny and loving children. Our daughter Ella is 12 years old, and our son Tyler is 9 years old.
From the very beginning, we knew we wanted to be parents and we always believed (and wanted!) adoption to be part of our journey to parenthood. Before Ella and Tyler were born, we had researched adoption, met with adoption counselors, and really dug in. We were sure then and we are sure now that this was what our hearts have always wanted. Having two children only validated even more how very much love we have to give. The joy and love they bring to our hearts, our home, and our lives makes us want to grow our family and this is the right time for us. As Ella and Tyler have grown up and matured, we have talked a lot about adoption with them as well and they are just as excited as we are, if not more!
About Us
Remember when I told you that one of us fell head over heels in love at first sight? Yes, that was me, Tianne. I promise you that I never really believed this could happen to me. That it only happened in fairy tales. But I have been so lucky in that my fairy tale did come true. We met at a bar. When I was on a date with another man. There I was sitting with my friends, and having a drink with an on again-off again flame when Rick walked in. I was mesmerized. I asked the guy that I was with who that man was. It was Rick, my now husband, the love of my life. My heart was never the same again! At the time, I was waitressing to put myself through college and Rick started coming into the restaurant nearly every shift that I worked. He always asked for the same lunch to go. He always asked how I was, and what I was doing that upcoming weekend, but NEVER asked me out. So, a girl has to do what a girl has to do and one day I asked him if he was ever going to ask me out. Needless to say, he did, and after dating for several years, he popped the question! It was simply meant to be! Since we have been married, Rick has supported me through several higher education degrees, while I worked nights so that I could go to school full time in the day. Rick worked several jobs to help support the two of us, without ever a complaint or moan or groan. A true prince charming!
Meet Tianne
I would describe myself as the eternal optimist, outgoing, fun-loving, and always so excited for the next adventure. As you read on, you will see that Rick and I are a perfect balance for each other! After graduating from medical school, I opened up a private practice and have happily owned a clinic where I work as a Chiropractor. I absolutely LOVE what I do, being able to help people feel better all day and I know I am blessed to be in this position (though I put in a lot of hard work to get here!). I would also say that I am our family's planner. I love to travel and am often telling our kids that it is a big world out there, and I want to see as much of it as I can. From an amazing trip to Hawaii, to spending time at our ski house in Vermont, I am always looking for the next family adventure. Making these memories for our family means everything to me!
Meet Rick
As you know, Rick is my Prince Charming and that is how he continues to be. He is the most supportive person I have ever met. He is thoughtful, considerate, laid back, and loving. He is always there for each and every one of us, no matter what. He is also the most amazing father. Always up for a fun day with the kids, I have found him doing it all - from playing dress-up with the kids when they were little, and letting our daughter practice her mani/pedi skills on his nails, to never missing a soccer game, football game or swim practice, he has been there for all of it. Rick has an excellent job and has been working for our city for over 25 years as the Superintendent of the Water and Sewer Department. He has also been a local firefighter for over 30 years - we are so very proud of him! He is certainly a loyal guy! Although he is young, I am always trying to convince Rick to retire and be a stay-at-home-dad, as this is the job he loves the most, and he is truly amazing at it!
About Ella
The day that Ella was born, we knew she was special. Almost immediately, she cried very little, slept through the night, and was just so happy all of the time. We have often said that she is an old soul. She is more patient than anyone I know, always the first to reach out a helping hand, befriend the child in the lunchroom sitting by themselves, or help a stranger in need. I often find myself thinking she is too nice, if that is possible. She complains very little, loves a whole lot, and will bend over backwards to do everything her brother asks of her. She will even do his chores to help him from getting in trouble. She works hard, and is a straight A student. She volunteers every chance she gets to help others in need. She sets up lemonade stands in the summer and donates the money to charity. She is truly one of a kind, and is the sweetest girl we could ever ask for. We often wonder how we got so lucky. Besides her chores and homework, she loves spending time playing with Tyler, or playing in the neighborhood with friends. Her best friend, Anna, was adopted at 18 months old, and is a fixture at our house. I often call her my second daughter, as she vacations with us, and spends time with us almost daily! Ella loves to play sports, and loves basketball and swim team the best! She also loves soccer, gymnastics, and loves to make up games using her imagination, like playing kitchen, pretending she is a waitress, or starting a band with her closest friends. Ella is more of an introvert when you first meet her, only opening up once she gets to know you. Polite, kind and quiet, she is a home body and loves nothing more than being in her house surrounded by family.
About Tyler
Tyler is the apple of Ella's eye. She had asked for a baby brother for over a year before he was born. Ella spoils him rotten and Tyler loves it! Tyler is more outspoken than Ella, never having a problem talking back or throwing his sister under the bus tattling on her. As much as he teases her, he loves her fiercely, and makes sure to tell her that several times a day. He is very protective of her and would do anything to make sure that she is okay. He loves sports, and his favorite is football. He also loves soccer, basketball, playing with friends, and traveling! Extremely independent, he likes to learn and try things on his own rather than have to ask for help. He is a natural with math (which is ironic because that is Ella's toughest subject) and excels at school. He is happier being in a crowd than being by himself. He loves to stay active and busy, and is always asking what our plans are for the upcoming weeks and weekends, or asking when we are taking our next vacation. He acts tough, but will come up out of the blue with a big hug and kiss just to tell you that he loves you. He is extremely respectful and kind, always holding a door, pulling out a seat, or throwing a compliment our way. He loves snowboarding and having fun in the terrain parks! He is much more of a daredevil and risk-taker than Ella. We encourage him to continue to reach for his dreams, as he loves to challenge himself and break his own records. He cannot wait to be a big brother!
Bella and Buddy
We cannot leave out the two furry members of our family, Bella and Buddy. We rescued both when they were just little puppies and both are hugely important to our love and life together. Bella and Buddy love to travel with us as often as they can, and are never far from us, whether on a walk, a run, at work with us, out for a car ride, at our kids' soccer games and football games, or greeting trick or treaters at the door. They are loving, super sweet and gentle with kids of all ages and will slobber you with endless kisses and tail wags when you meet them. Our family would not be complete without these two!
We live in a lovely little town in Connecticut which is directly between New York and Boston - we often say it is the best of all worlds! It is the perfect 4 season state with snowy winters, hot humid summers (perfect for boating and beach fun), rainy springs with gorgeous colors of flowers and trees, and brisk falls (think snuggling by the fireplace and apple picking). Our house is just ten minutes from the beaches, and yet we are surrounded by woods, hiking trails, and all things mother nature. We have a spacious 5-bedroom home, in a neighborhood so filled with children that we have our own designated school bus for all of the kids! We are blessed to have a beautiful swimming pool, many flower and vegetable gardens, a greenhouse, and a fenced-in yard. We also love how diverse our neighborhood is as this is something we really value and this was important in deciding to put down roots here. We are also working on making our dreams of having a farm come true! We have some land which we would love to fill with goats, chickens and pigs. Don't fresh cheese and eggs sound delicious?! It has literally been a dream of ours for years, and with much hard work, it is just now beginning to come true. We are so excited! And don't worry, as much as we love bacon, we could never eat my pet pigs. They will join our other beloved family pets!
I think by now you know we love to travel! Finding time for our family to escape and experience a new part of the world is something we have been fortunate to do.
We usually try to go somewhere nice and warm for the kid's spring break but we like to try a new place each year. Yet we do have our favorite spots that we tend to go back to more than once - sometimes it is nice to just be a creature of habit! Tianne often has one or two conferences a year for work, and it is awesome to bring the whole family along. We have gotten to some amazing places such as Hawaii, Paris, and some equally great places closer by like Florida, all because of her work. We love walking around, taking in the sights, experiencing the culture and of course, trying new foods!
Born and raised skiing and snowboarding, we love our winter vacations. Rick and Tyler love their snowboards, and Tianne and Ella are the skiers in the family.
Summers are spent traveling the New England coastline on our boat, crabbing, swimming in our pool, and spending time at the beaches and lakes. Fun fact - Tianne has had her lobster license for 16 years, and the whole family, especially the kids love clamming so eating fresh lobster and clams is always a family favorite! We love going to Boston Red Sox games, traveling to Rhode Island or Massachusetts for great dinners, or running away to the quieter farmlands nearby. Cookouts during the lazy dog days of summer surrounded by friends and family is always fun!
Maine is a family favorite trip over the Fourth of July holiday that has been a tradition for many years, and is filled with plenty of fun, family and friends the whole week long!
Family is everything to us. Living in our home town, we are surrounded by lots of friends and family. Although our immediate family is rather small, our circle of friends that we have known for 40+ years are a big part of our family. From grandparents to aunts and uncles to friends and cousins, we usually have a full house for football games on Sundays, family dinners, holidays (as we love to host most of the family holidays), and really any reason we can find to simply be together, laughing, playing games, and just spending time together.
Our loved ones have been so supportive of our dream to grow our family through adoption. They are beyond excited to welcome a little one and shower them with love!
Truth be told, we probably go a little overboard for the holidays, but we hate to pass up a chance to bring some joy to our home! We love to entertain and are often the hosts for Memorial Day and Labor Day gatherings. For the Fourth of July, we along with family and friends, rent out a home on the beach in Maine for a week of fireworks, pool, beach, boogie boarding, amusement parks, arcades, surfing fun and just pure magic! Halloween in our neighborhood is amazing. There is tons of trick-or-treating and over-the-top Halloween decorations - even the local police officers join in by handing out light up bracelets and Halloween necklaces to all the kiddos. And yes, of course we all dress up, parents included! Rick is always a good sport, no matter how embarrassing a costume I choose! Let's just say, he has gone as Richard Simmons and a member of KISS! Thanksgiving is all about family. We all love to wake up early, get the biggest turkey we can find in the oven before the sun rises. Then it is all about tradition as we all pitch in working on bringing old family recipes to life, including Grandma's pink applesauce, homemade turkey gravy, and giblet stuffing. Nana's broccoli casserole is surprisingly amazing - the kids say it is like eating candy! Then we all sit down to watch the Thanksgiving Day Macy's parade, as we rest before the family dinner. By early afternoon, our family has arrived and we are settled in for dinner and quality time together. This is definitely a time for counting our blessings.
The weekend after Thanksgiving, we go to a beautiful Christmas tree farm with Santa Claus, hot cocoa, sleigh rides, and start getting excited for Christmas as we use that weekend to put up all of our Christmas decorations. The kids love this tradition, as they have their own Christmas trees in their bedrooms, as well as the winter wonderland that we set up in our front yard for all of our town to enjoy. It is easily a 3-day event, as we transform our house into Santa's Village for the holiday season. We love when so many neighbors drive by our home to share in our view from their cars. It makes the holiday magic for Ella and Tyler! Christmas morning, you will find our kiddos under the tree seeing what gifts have arrived for them. Our family joins us for lunch and a gift exchange which lasts well into the evening. The holiday is really a time of joy and also reflection for us - on all that we have, something we do not want to ever take for granted. Honestly, that one day every year is so magical, I believe in the magic of Christmas too! New Year's Eve is spent with family at our home away from home in Vermont. We usually go up there the day right after Christmas and stay until the first of January. Skiing and relaxing by the fire is just what we need after a month plus of festivities. It is always a special time to think back on the year and look forward to what lies ahead. We certainly can't wait to have your little one join us in our holiday magic!
Writing to you about our life and our love has only made us realize even more how excited (and ready!) we are to welcome you and your little one into our world. Being parents has brought us more joy than we could have ever imagined in this lifetime. We hope that through these pages, you have gotten to know us and how we live each moment to the fullest, making sure our kids never doubt the beauty of this world and the love that our family shares. We promise to love your baby unconditionally and to honor their (and your) story. They will never have anything less than the most amazing childhood. This we promise you.