It is so nice to meet you! We are not sure if this is the first profile book you are looking at or the 1,000,000th, but we are so happy to have a chance to meet you here. We are out-of-the box thinkers and we want you to get to know the real us.
We completely understand that you are making such a major decision and we respect you no matter what you decide. In fact, we think it is important for you to consider all of your options. That is something we really support. We can just hope that you will feel a connection to us through these pages, and that you will keep us in mind.
We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking the time to consider us as you choose what is the right path for you and your child. You will probably learn quickly that we are a loving and very silly family. We are excited for you to get to know a bit about us through these stories and photos. As you go through our book, we hope that you can see the love, laughter, and support that our family is built on.

We have struggled through miscarriages, IVF, and most recently a stillbirth at 21 weeks due to preeclampsia. These were some of the most emotional and challenging times for us, yet we never gave up hope on our dreams of growing our family. We, along with our girls, have so much love to share with your baby, and with you. If you choose adoption, and feel in your heart that we are the right family for your baby, we hope that you will be aware of the deep gratitude and joy that you will have brought into our family. Whatever decision you make, we hope that your life will be blessed with love and happiness. We also think it's important to share with you that we have a close family friend who was adopted and he has been an important source of inspiration and support through this part of our journey. He has shown us first-hand how adoption can be a journey filled with hope and love. And he is not the only one who has helped guide our hearts. We have two sets of very close friends who have adopted their children and we have been able to learn and grow so much through them as well. The love and support of all of our family and friends has meant the world to us. We know that they are beyond thrilled to see where this path takes us.

We promise to give your little one a lifetime of snuggles, laughs, and unconditional love. We will be by their side through any obstacles they may encounter during their life's journey and will cheer them on every step of the way. We are committed to doing the best we can for them, always and no matter what. In our world, your child will be cherished. We are always going to be open to doing what is best for you and your child. We want them to know as much as you would like about their birth family and story. We want your baby to grow up being proud of their story and how we all came together, out of love.
Tony and I met at a teaching conference - I always joke that I was his teacher as I was one of the leaders for a workshop he was taking. It was an instant connection. I fell in love with his intelligence and quick wit (I have to admit, I am shamelessly in love with his commitment to terrible dad jokes). After about a year of dating, I moved in with Tony and we started talking about buying a house and getting married. It was a year and a half into our relationship when Tony proposed and I said YES! I had never expected to become involved with someone who already had kids. However, it was truly amazing how meeting Amelia (at the time she was 5 years old) and Natalie (who was 2 years old) instantly changed my perspective. I couldn't help but fall in love with them as well. The girls mean the world to me and they have changed my life for the better. We got married after about three years of dating and that was over four years ago! Time sure does fly.
I will never forget the first time I saw her smile. We were outside at a social gathering for everyone to get to know each other and network. I made a joke, and truthfully, it wasn't even that good of a joke, but Rosie started to smile and laugh. It was at that very moment that I knew I was hooked. My heart skipped a beat and my stomach did a nervous flip. These workshops were great, I made a lot of connections that week, but none as strong as the one I made with her. Rosie was kind, funny, sweet, and smart - did I mention beautiful? We began dating pretty quickly after this meeting. We talked all the time. It was the most amazing relationship I had ever been in. She was the person that I was looking for my entire life. The more we got to know each other, the more I realized how perfect we were for each other. In relationships, I have always been a giver, but Rosie never just took, she gave back too. For the first time, I was in a relationship that was a two-way street. Rosie and I both knew we wanted to get married. When the time was right, I took her on a 13-hour date where we went on a tour of our entire relationship. We went to where we shared our first kiss, where we would go on hikes, and drove by some other favorite places of ours. This ended at the Charles River, in Cambridge, where I got down on one knee and proposed. It was an extremely happy moment for us. Rosie and I have been together for close to 7 years and they have been the happiest years of my life.

Family and friends are everything to us. They have been there for us through all the struggles and the happy moments in our lives. We are so lucky to have such a large and loving support system. Some of our family traditions include Saturdays with grandparents, family BBQs (we have a huge Father's Day cookout every year with a bouncy house and everything)! We are super close with cousins (there are 24 of them) and we regularly get together with them for dinners, brunches, and other fun activities. We are also big fans of our family's FAM JAM. This is where we play instruments and take turns singing songs. The girls love to take part in this. They choose songs that they want to sing and then we practice as a family (with Tony on guitar). This is great when we go camping with the family. We sit around a fire and play songs. It's always a loving and memorable part of the trip. When it comes to our friends, every year we go on an annual getaway with ten other families. We call it our "Famcation"! When we are not going away, we still gather for Board Game Nights, Movie Nights, or just getting together where the adults can hang out and chat while the kids run around and have a blast. Plus, we also enjoy taking the kids out to a local ice cream place, having mini-golf competitions, or competing in family trivia nights.
About Us
True story... Rosie was an experienced teacher, having taught for 6 years. Tony had just changed careers, switching from a job in computers to one in teaching (sounds like the start of a romantic comedy - quick someone call Drew Barrymore!). Tony decided to take some workshops for new teachers so that he would be prepared for his new line of work. Rosie just so happened to be running some workshops for new teachers. It was at this conference where they met for the first time and this was the meeting that would change both of their lives.
See, I'm telling you, we've got to call up Steven Spielberg and get this story made!
Meet Rosie
Rosie is the most supportive person I have ever met in my life. She is always pushing me to follow my dreams. I have been writing original music ever since high school and she was the only person in my life to push me to record an album. I never thought anyone would want to hear me and my music! With her guidance and support, I released my first album, which has over 40K streams on Spotify. Without her in my life, that goal of mine would never have been completed. She is the most organized person I have ever come across. She is constantly making lists, which is probably one of the main reasons that she gets so much accomplished. Our family benefits from her organization. She is definitely the glue that holds our family together. Rosie is extremely generous and she is always helping everyone in our family. Watching her with the girls or thinking about how she treats me, has influenced the kind of person I am. She truly makes me a better person. I know how much love she has to share and I cannot wait to see her as a mom to a new little one.
Meet Tony
Tony is a loving and selfless father and husband. He always puts family first in everything he does. Tony has an amazing sense of humor - even when he is telling dad jokes. He has a wonderful charm and a handsome smile that always makes me melt!He is easy-going and always up for my crazy ideas for new adventures. He has a truly creative mind and enjoys painting, poetry, and writing and playing music. Tony is extremely thoughtful and because of that he has given me some awesome gifts - last year it was a sewing machine that led me to my new hobby of upcycling fabrics! Tony is a fantastic cook - his specialties include world-famous burgers, pizza, and omelets, haha. Amongst family, friends, and coworkers, Tony is thought of as very supportive. He has encouraged me to follow my dreams to become more environmentally friendly, supported friends in their passions, and has helped the girls try out their interests as they learn who they are. Most recently that is signing Natalie up for guitar lessons and practicing with her.
Amelia and Natalie are two of the most amazing kids ever. Amelia is extremely empathetic. She always wants to make sure that everything is fair for other people. If someone gets hurt, she feels it too. She truly wants the best for everyone. Amelia also has an amazing sense of humor. She loves to do things that will make people laugh, but is always respectful. She is an amazing athlete and this is something that we noticed at a young age. She has always loved to climb on things. Gymnastics, basketball and swimming are a few of her favorites but her real passion is soccer. She has been playing soccer since she was 3 years old and she is one of the best players on her team. This sport suits her well. She is super fast and always has a team mentality. Even though she may score quite a bit, she is always passing because she doesn't want to be a ball hog. She understands that there are other people on the team and she wants to make sure that everyone has a fair turn. Not only is she a great soccer player, but she is also super creative. She has a wonderful singing voice and loves to paint.
Natalie takes after her big sister. She loves soccer too and is also quite a good player. Natalie has just recently taken up guitar lessons and after only a couple of months, she can play full songs and is beginning to read music. Natalie is also a self-proclaimed fashionista! She loves clothes and making sure that she looks good. It is interesting to see how similar yet different they are. Natalie, though the youngest, is quite the caregiver. When people are sick, she has been known to write little notes, bring them snacks, or will visit them in bed to just hold their hand. As you can see, we are incredibly proud of our girls!
We live in Plymouth, Massachusetts - where the pilgrims landed! The reason we bring that up is because they have a very famous Thanksgiving Day parade, which we love to bring the girls to. We have a good-sized yard where we play laser tag, hide and seek, have wonderful Easter egg hunts, play yard games, and host fun backyard BBQs.
Plymouth is a great place for summer activities. For example, it has many wonderful places to swim. We are about 15 minutes from the ocean as well as some local ponds. On a few occasions, we have been known to swim across the pond. We love being outdoors and in the water. We love to go swimming, boating, jet skiing, and paddle boarding. We also live less than 5 miles from Myles Standish State Forest, which is a great place to go hiking and bike riding.
Holidays have always been very important to both sides of our family. We love to carry down traditions from our childhoods to celebrate with the girls. For Easter, we start the morning off with the girls hunting for eggs outside and looking for where the Easter Bunny hid their baskets. After that, we go to Tony's parents' house for a big family dinner. Halloween is a family favorite on Rosie's side. We enjoy doing family-themed costumes (though Penny didn't love her Yoda costume when we did Star Wars), trick-or-treating with friends, and of course all of the candy and chocolate! Being the lovers of family and food that we are, we do two Thanksgivings! One at Tony's sister's house and one with Rosie's family. The girls love spending the days with their cousins. During the Christmas season, we are big family party hoppers. We go to Tony's sister's house for Christmas day, Rosie's parents' house in Connecticut a few days later, and then back to Massachusetts for Tony's grandfather's Christmas celebration.
These are some of the big festivities, but truthfully, we love all of the holidays - whether big or small - and we always find fun ways to celebrate with family and friends!
Penny is our 4-year-old puggle. We definitely treat her like the princess (which is probably why she thinks she runs the house)! Penny loves people - especially kids! She absolutely adores Amelia and Natalie and gets incredibly excited when we say go wake the girls or the girls are home! Penny is also super patient and snuggly. She recently has met our friends' baby and she was incredibly sweet and gentle. Penny loves being around the girls and lights up whenever they play with her. She loves going on a w-a-l-k (sorry, if we say the word, Penny will get too excited and run all around the house until we get her leash on). Although we typically don't give Penny people food, once in a while we give her a little taste as a treat and let us tell you, she LOVES pizza crust. She goes nutty for it (it's actually pretty cute). After a long day of being out and playing, she loves to curl up on the couch and just snuggle in. This is how we know she is part of our family because everyone in our house is a snuggler. Now that you know what Penny loves, let us tell you what she doesn't love - baths, swimming, rain, and sewer drains (I think it's the sound of running water that she doesn't like). She is our super cute and kind of funny dog and as you can see, we love her very much!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read about our sweet little family. We hope that you can feel how ready we are to welcome you and your baby into our lives. We know the time is right for us to grow our family through adoption.
We wish you only the best as you make the biggest and most important decision - this is not something we take lightly and we are here to answer any questions you might have for us.